Credit Card Charges You Must Be Aware Of

Credit Card Charges You Must Be Aware Of Bank claim that credit cards are free, the user must understand that there are few hidden charges attached to the cards. Knowing these charges may help customers to use their cards wisely. Annual Charges - Credit cards come with a joining fee and an annual fee. There will be an annual charge, even if you are offered a credit card for free. Check before opting for the same. GST Charges - All credit card transactions are subject to GST. Currently, the charge is 18% upon the billed value. Late Payment Charges - In case an individual does not pay the minimum due amount in time, the bank levies additional late payment charges. These charges are applicable after the due date. Cash Handling Charge - If you withdraw money from ATMs you have to pay additional charges. Around 2.5%-3% cash withdrawn is charged. Try not to withdraw cash by using credit cards. Overdraft charges - When a credit cardholder exceeds their ...